New ITK Student
This page contains all information needed by New Students of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. Find all the latest information here.
Frequently Asked Question
Latest Update: 26 Maret 2022
As a replacement for an income slip please make a statement later that contains father's and mother's income and signed on the stamp duty of IDR10,000 by both father and mother (please use the provided template).
If your parents have an income slip, you don't need to create a statement letter to replace it.
You can use any format provided by RT/Kelurahan/Desa but the format needs to explain the parent's or guardian's income and whether there is additional income for the parent/guardian or not.
Please make a stamped statement letter explaining that parents do not work and have no income. Please make a statement letter stamped with parental income, and fill in the job as not working (the reason for not working can be found in the job description, point 11), as well as the amount of income that is adjusted to the current circumstances.
Not working parents are those who do not have any jobs. If parents work as a tailor, have a stall, rent a house or a bording house, etc., they are classified as a working parents even if they don't have fix monthly income. Not working parents are parents who really don't get any income for the entire month.
You must write 2 statement letters. Each statement letter can only be filled out by 1 person, so you can create 1 statement letter signed by father and 1 statement letter signed by mother.
You need to make a statement letter created by RT stating that you really don't have the requested bills and explaining why. No stamp duty is required; simply sign by RT.
You need to make a statement letter created by RT stating that you still live in a rented house or you don't have any PBB bill (no stamp duty is required; simply signed by RT.
You must attach it because it is still your parents' vehicles.
You must attach it because it is still your parents' vehicles.
Please attach an ownership statement letter using the template available at www.pmb.itk.ac.id and fill in with ZERO.
You can attach student ID card/ letter stating that the child is still active academically/ the most recent study report score.
You just need to attach 1 photo. You can attach more if needed.
Nothing else. You just need to pay the tuition.
The photos need to be clear. For example if you take a photo of your front house, make sure it is not obstructed by vehicles, trees, or other obstacles.
Guardian is someone who assists you in paying your tuition and living expenses while attending university. If there's any family member assisting you, please clearly describe what kind of assistance you receive. (For example: assisting you with housing, etc.)
If they do not fully assist you, you must provide a statement letter signed by the guardian stating how much money they will give and what type of assistence they will provide (example: sending money IDR 500,000 each month to assist living expenses, or any other assisting type).
You don't need to attach the vehicle ownership documents (BPKB). You just have to attach your vehicle tax document (PKB), which you can find in your vehicle registration certificate (STNK). If the jasa marga insurance block your tax cost, please remove it first
For proof of payment (token or non-token), you can request a printout from the nearest PLN/PDAM/payment agent (such as Indomaret, Alfamidi, or home payment agent), or from the PLN/PDAM/Bank application where you previously made payments.
If your file is verified, you will be able to receive your tuition payment. If your file is still invalid at that time, or if you do not complete your re-registration process, the university will consider you as resigning from the re-registration process.
It is required. If you don't have one, you should make a health insurance first. BPJS Kesehatan is the bare minimum.
Yes, it is still required. Point number 10 and point number 11 is a different requirement, so it must be required whether having income slips or not.