Re-registration of ITK New Student Candidates for Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADIk) 2021
Tanggal Publikasi: 12 July 2021, Penerbit. Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
No.: 640/IT10/TU.02/2021
Prospective new students at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) who have been announced to pass the ADIK selection must do a registration with the following stages:
Sending New Student Registration Form for Undergraduate Program (S1) Kalimantan Institute of Technology through the portal www.pmb.itk.ac.id (with username and password: ADIK registration number) July 12 – July 30 2021.
No. |
A |
B |
C |
1 |
Recent formal photo with red backdrop (face is facing the camera) 4 x 6 sized |
√ |
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2 |
Family Identity Card **(original) |
√ |
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3 |
ID Card (ID Card or Student Card) **(original) |
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4 |
Graduation certificate |
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5 |
Birth certificate **(original) |
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√ |
6 |
Stamped drug free statement letter*(template available) |
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√ |
7 |
Stamped Education Tuition* (template available) |
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√ |
8 |
Stamped new student statement letter*(template available) |
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√ |
9 |
Stamped UKT statement letter *(template available) |
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√ |
11 |
Certificate of income from parents and/or guardians for the last 3 months which is legalized by the RT/kelurahan/village (for non-employees) or by the company (for institutional employees) *(certificate letter template is available when you log in) |
x |
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√ |
12 |
Certificate of presence/no other sources of income other than those listed in point 11 (eleven) and ratified by RT/kelurahan/village. (Templates are available after logging in.) |
x |
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√ |
13 |
Last month's electricity and water bills |
x |
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√ |
14 |
Proof of payment of Land and Building Tax (PBB) for the previous year on all owned land and buildings |
x |
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15 |
Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) fee for all motorized vehicles (two and three wheels). |
x |
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16 |
Statement letter created by RT for the number of houses, motorcycles, automobiles, and agricultural or plantation land owned * (templates are available when you log in) |
x |
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√ |
17 |
If the parent/guardian has other dependents who are currently studying, they must provide a Student Identity Card (KTM)/student card/certificate of active study. |
x |
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18 |
Photos of the front of the house, the living room, the family room, the bathroom, the kitchen, and the bedroom are clear and detailed. |
x |
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19 |
Death Certificate (if parents have died) |
x |
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20 |
A brief description of the parent's job and income (template available when you login) |
x |
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21 |
x |
x |
√ |
2. Prospective students are required to attend the new student admissions activity by the Chancellor of ITK which is held at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) Campus, Karang Joang, Balikpapan, the implementation of which will be announced later.
3. Further information can be found on the website www.itk.ac.id or contact the ITK secretariat at the ITK Campus, Karang Joang, Balikpapan.
4. If there are questions related to the completeness of the data or the verification process, please submit them via the contact us feature or live chat on the pmb.itk.ac.id portal, or via email infoukt@itk.ac.id.
The above provisions are binding on every prospective new ITK student for the 2021/2021 academic year and if they are not fulfilled, they will be considered resigned. This is to be known and implemented as well as possible.
Balikpapan, 12 July 2021
ITK Chancellor
Prof. Ir. Budi Santosa, M. S., Ph.D.
NIP 196905121994021001