
Re-registration of ITK New Student Candidates for the 2021 SUMMIT Pathways

Tanggal Publikasi: 12 July 2021,     Penerbit. Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Nomor: 639/IT10/TU.02/2021

Prospective new students of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) for the 2021/2022 academic year who are announced to pass the SUMMIT selection must re-register with the following process:

1. Prospective students of SUMMIT in the regular and partnership pathways, can pay tuition fees for Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) and Single Tuition Fees (UKT) determined by ITK with the following conditions:

a. SPI money and tuition for all study programs at ITK are as follows:

Tabel 1. SPI & UKT

No Study Programs Nominal SPI Nominal UKT



Rp 15.000.000

Rp 11.500.000



Rp 15.000.000

Rp 10.300.000


Teknik Mesin

Rp 25.000.000

Rp 12.000.000


Teknik Elektro

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 11.500.000


Teknik Kimia

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 13.500.000


Teknik Material dan Metalurgi

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 13.500.000


Teknik Sipil

Rp 25.000.000

Rp 12.000.000


Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Rp 25.000.000

Rp 12.000.000


Teknik Perkapalan

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 11.500.000


Sistem Informasi

Rp 25.000.000

Rp 10.300.000



Rp 25.000.000

Rp 10.300.000


Teknik Industri

Rp 25.000.000

Rp 11.500.000


Teknik Lingkungan

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 11.500.000


Teknik Kelautan

Rp 15.000.000

Rp 13.000.000


Ilmu Aktuaria

Rp 15.000.000

Rp 10.300.000



Rp 15.000.000

Rp 10.300.000



Rp 25.000.000

Rp 11.500.000


Teknologi Pangan

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 13.000.000


Rekayasa Keselamatan Kerja

Rp 20.000.000

Rp 13.000.000


Bisnis Digital

Rp 25.000.000

Rp 13.500.000

2. Re-register on 13-23 July 2021 through the portal (login using the registration number username and password), and upload the files in Table 2, according to the category (regular, school partnership, or partnership).

Tabel 2. Documents that must be uploaded

No. Required Documents Category
Regular Partnership School Partnership
1 SUMMIT 2021 Card  **(original)
2 Proof of tuition and fees payments (UKT & SPI) ** (original and filed on the same document) -
3 Proof of tuition payments **(original) - - (menunggu
nominal UKT)
4 A recent, formal, color photograph, red background, formal (face facing the camera), 4 x 6 cm in size
5 Family Identity Card **(original)
6 ID Card (KTP or Student Card) **(original)
7 Certificate of Graduation**(original)
8 Birth certificate **(original)
9 Statement letter free of drugs with a stamp *(template available)
10 Stamped Payment Tuition Fee Statement *(template available)
11 Stamped new student statement *(template available)
12 Stamped Tuition Fee Statement *(template available)
13 Health Coverage (minimum BPJS Health)
14 Stamped statement letter for parents' and/or guardians' income for the last three months legalized by the RT/kelurahan/village (for non-employees) or by the company in the form of income slips (for institutional and/or private employees) (stamped statement letter template available)
15 Certificate of presence/no other sources of income other than those listed in point 11 (eleven) and ratified by the RT/kelurahan/village. (There are templates available) - -
16 Electricity and water bills for the last 1 month
17 Proof of payment of Land and Building Tax (PBB) for the last year on all land or buildings owned
18 Proof of Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) payment for all motorized vehicles (two and four wheels) owned
19 Certificate of RT for the number of houses, motorcycles, automobiles, and agricultural or plantation land owned * (templates available) - -
20 If the parent/guardian has other dependents who are currently studying, they must provide a Student Identity Card (KTM)/student card/certificate of active study
21 Photos of the front of the house, the living room, the family room, the bathroom, the kitchen, and the bedroom are clear and detailed.
22 Death Certificate (if parents have died)
23 A brief description of the parent's job and income (template available when you login)
24 KIP – Kuliah/ SKTM/ KKS/ other similar card


3. For prospective students under the special partnership category can know their tuition that will be announced on July 13 until July 23 2021 after the uploaded document is verified and valid. Tuition must be paid in full every beginning of semester. 

Tabel 3. Nominal besaran UKT pada Masing-Masing Kategori UKT

Category Tuition Program Study
1st Category Rp. 500.000,- Fisika, Matematika, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Material Metalurgi, Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Teknik Perkapalan, Sistem Informasi, Informatika, Teknik Industri, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Kelautan, Statistika, Ilmu Aktuaria, Arsitektur
2nd Category Rp. 1.000.000,-
3rd Category Rp. 2.500.000,-
4th Category Rp. 4.000.000,- Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perkapalan, Fisika, Matematika, Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Aktuaria, Statistika, Teknik Lingkungan
Rp. 4.500.000,- Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Kelautan, Teknik Material Metalurgi
5th category Rp. 5.500.000,- Matematika, Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Aktuaria, Statistika
Rp. 6.000.000,- Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perkapalan, Fisika, Teknik Lingkungan
Rp. 6.500.000,- Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Kelautan, Teknik Material Metalurgi
6th Category Rp. 7.000.000,- Matematika, Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Aktuaria, Statistika
Rp. 8.000.000,- Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perkapalan, Fisika, Teknik Lingkungan
Rp. 8.500.000,- Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Teknik Mesin
Rp. 9.000.000,- Teknik Kimia, Teknik Kelautan, Teknik Material Metalurgi
7th Category Rp. 8.500.000,- Matematika, Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Aktuaria, Statistika
Rp. 10.000.000,- Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perkapalan, Fisika, Teknik Lingkungan
Rp. 10.500.000,- Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Teknik Mesin
Rp. 11.500.000,- Teknik Kimia, Teknik Kelautan, Teknik Material Metalurgi
8th Category Rp. 10.300.000,- Matematika, Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Aktuaria, Statistika
Rp. 11.500.000,- Arsitektur, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perkapalan, Fisika, Teknik Lingkungan
Rp. 12.000.000,- Teknik Sipil, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Teknik Mesin
Rp. 13.000.000,- Teknik Kelautan
Rp. 13.500.000,- Teknik Kimia, Teknik Material Metalurgi

Payments can be made through Bank BNI on July 13 until July 23 2021 (payment process will be announced later).

4. Prospective students are required to attend the new student admissions activity by the Chancellor of ITK which is held at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) Campus, Karang Joang, Balikpapan. Detailed information will be informed later.

5. Further information can be found on the website or contact the ITK secretariat at the ITK Campus, Karang Joang, Balikpapan.

6. If there are questions related to the completeness of the data or the verification process, please submit them to the contact us feature or live chat on the portal or via email


The provisions outlined above are binding on all prospective new ITK students for the 2021/2022 academic year, and if they are not met, they will be considered resigned. This should be known and implemented as thoroughly as possible.


Balikpapan, July 12 2021
Rektor ITK


Prof. Ir. Budi Santosa, M.Sc., Ph.D.
NIP. 196905121994021001