Latest Update: 25 February 2023
The National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) PTN 2023 is a team formed by the Minister of Education and Culture to prepare for PTN entrance selection. There are three selection paths namely National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and Independent selection.
National Selection Based on Test (SNBT).
- Consists of Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Mathematical Reasoning, Literacy in Indonesian and Literacy in English
- Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK)
- Each participant is only allowed to take the test 1 (one) time
- The test is carried out in 2 waves, 14 days and 28 sessions (2 sessions every day)
- Each participant will be given the test results individually *
*) See the provisions on the official website, https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id
UTBK Requirements
- Class 12 SMA/MA/SMK students in 2023 or Package C students in 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of 1 July 2023)
- SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent graduates in 2021 and 2022 or Package C graduates in 2021 and 2022 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of 1 July 2023)
- Participant Requirements: Each participant from the science, social studies or language majors is permitted to choose study programs at PTN (MERDEKA RESPONSIBILITY)
- The 2023 UTBK results only apply to 2023 admissions
- Pay the UTBK fee. Participants pay the UTBK fee as a condition for SNBT registration of Rp. 200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Rupiah)
UTBK Learning Material
- Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), TPS measures COGNITIVE ABILITY which is considered important for success in formal schools, especially higher education. In the TPS that will be tested are GENERAL REASONING ABILITY, QUANTITATIVE ABILITY, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING, and READING AND WRITING COMPREHENSION ABILITY. Quantitative abilities will include Knowledge and Mastery of Basic Mathematics.
- Literacy in Indonesian and English. Measuring the ability to understand, use, evaluate, reflect on various types of texts to solve problems and develop individual capacities as citizens of Indonesia and citizens of the world so that they can contribute productively to society.
- Mathematical Reasoning, measuring the ability to think using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts that are relevant to individuals as citizens of Indonesia and citizens of the world.
Registration Stages
SNBT Provisions
Participant Requirements:
- SMA / MA / SMK / equivalent graduates in 2021 and 2022 must already have a diploma. For high school graduates of the equivalent from abroad, they must have an equivalent diploma. SMA / MA / SMK / equivalent graduates in 2023 bring the appropriate certificate.
- Have a 2023 UTBK Result.
- Have adequate health so as not to interfere with the smooth study process.
- For participants who choose the Arts and Sports study program must upload a PORTFOLIO.
Study Program Options:
Each student is allowed to choose two study programs at one PTN or one study program each at two PTNs (Independent Responsibility).
For other information, please click https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/?mid=4