Latest Update: 25 February 2023
The National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) PTN 2023 is a team formed by the Minister of Education and Culture to prepare for PTN entrance selection. There are three selection paths namely National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and Independent selection.
National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP).
SNBP Requirements
School Requirements:
- SMA/MA/SMK that have NPSN.
- Complete the School and Student Database (PDSS).
- Accreditation Conditions:
- A: Best 40% in his school.
- B accreditation: Best 25% in his school
- Accreditation C and others: Top 5% in his school.
- Complete the School and Student Database (PDSS). Only eligible student data is filled in according to the provisions.
Participant Requirements:
- High school/MA/SMK students in the last grade (grade 12) in 2020 who have excellent achievements.
- Have academic achievements and meet the requirements determined by each PTN.
- Have NISN and registered in PDSS.
- Have semester 1 to semester report cards. 5 which has been filled in the PDSS.
- Participants who choose the arts and sports study program are required to upload their portfolio.
Study Program Choice
- Every student majoring in science, social studies or language is permitted to choose study programs at state universities.
- Each student can choose two study programs from one PTN or two PTNs.
- If you choose two study programs, one must be in a PTN in the same province as the SMA/MA/SMK it originates from. If you choose a study program, you can choose PTN in any province.
SNBP Registration Stages
- SNPMB ACCOUNT REGISTRATION - MANDATORY for schools that do not yet have an SNPMB ACCOUNT (School must register), via the https://portal-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id page
- FILLING IN PDSS (School and Student Data Base) - REGISTRATION OF SNPMB ACCOUNTS FOR STUDENTS MANDATORY for grade 12 students, via the https://portal-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id page
- RANKING OF STUDENTS BY SCHOOL - carried out by the school according to regulations. VIEW SNPMB DATA informs the number of Eligible students registering for SNBP based on School Accreditation
- SCHOOLS DETERMINE PROSPECTIVE PARTICIPANTS - Based on SNPMB data from the number of students and accreditation at Dapodik PUSDATIN Kemdikbud or EMIS-Pendis Kemenag
- SNBP REGISTRATION - Students whose data is entered in the PDSS register on the https://portal-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id page
- CHOICE OF PTN AND STUDY PROGRAM - Applicants can choose a maximum of two PTN
- PORTFOLIO UPLOADING - Mandatory for participants who choose the Arts and Sports study program
- SNBP PATH SELECTION - Based on the criteria set by each PTN
- ANNOUNCEMENT of SNBP - Graduation Results can be seen on the SNPMB page or its mirror on March 28, 2023, 15.00 WIB
There are 11 types of portfolios, as follows.
- Sport;
- Fine Arts, Design and Crafts;
- Dance;
- Theater;
- Music;
- Sendratasik
- Karawitan Art;
- Ethnomusicology;
- Photography;
- Film and Television;
- Puppetry Arts.
Registration Stages
For other information, please click https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/?mid=4